Kentucky Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention (KY-ABRI)

This Kentucky Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention (KY-ABRI) project represents a continuation of the partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education Office of Special Education and Early Learning (OSEEL). The goal of this work is to respond to the identified IDEA-related technical assistance needs of schools and districts across the state. First, there are several districts identified across the state for significant disproportionality who are required by 34 CFR 300.646 to implement Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) who, by their size, may need additional supports to implement a quality system of improvement.  

Considering these needs, KY-ABRI, in partnership with the OSEEL, will identify districts who would benefit from Supplemental Support.  For districts who choose to participate, KY-ABRI Liaisons will provide monthly virtual support (with in-person support as needed) including coaching and technical assistance.

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This is a triaged level of support that will be kept at a minimum for the district to be successful but also allow for Liaisons to provide support to multiple districts.  This support is designed to be short-term and all efforts will be made to fade support within a limited amount of time.  Liaisons will collaborate with special education cooperatives, the OSEEL, and other relevant partners to strategically and efficiently execute services. 

Second, ABRI provides districts and schools access to a full range of training, technical assistance, and web-based materials to support the use of effective practices related to students with disabilities.  Through the ABRI website at, video examples and micro-credentialing are made available free of charge.