Turn & Talk-Secondary
In this example, the teacher uses peer discussion to have students create a mnemonic device.
Videos in this series provide an overview of Response to Intervention and its role in a multi-tiered system of support.
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In this example, the teacher uses peer discussion to have students create a mnemonic device.
Students must practice a skill repeatedly before we can expect them to develop mastery. Each attempt to practice a skill is called an opportunity to respond and it’s the job of the teacher to maximize these opportunities in the classroom.
In this module, we discuss various types of feedback and demonstrate how to use them to maximize learning in the classroom.
No two students are exactly alike. Therefore, no instructional practice is going to benefit every student equally. In this module, you will learn the purpose and basics of differentiation as a core instructional practice to benefit all students.
In this video, you will learn simple techniques to discover what behavior problems are most prevalent, what time of day they occur, and locations in your school that are most problematic.
In this video, you will learn basic prevention strategies to help all students avoid the most common behavioral errors.