Behavior Call Outs
Watch Dr. Tery Scott as he provides correction and acknowledgement to a student calling out in class.
Videos in this series introduces PBIS as a framework used to maximize the probability of student success and provides a brief overview of its essential components.
These videos can be viewed individually, in a playlist, or as part of the badging course.
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Watch Dr. Tery Scott as he provides correction and acknowledgement to a student calling out in class.
Watch as Dr. Regina Hirn provides clear expectations to a student with autism prior to continuing with a routine.
Watch as Dr. Terry Scott prompts students and garners attention before moving into transition.
In this video we discuss the importance of early intervention and how mental illness is not always obvious, but likely involves a pattern of behavior.
In this video we discuss the importance of early intervention and how mental illness is not always obvious, but likely involves a pattern of behavior.
In this video we discuss the importance of early intervention and how mental illness is not always obvious, but likely involves a pattern of behavior.