At CIBRS, we take pride in our connection to practitioners and researchers leading in the field of special education and know that often, practitioners need access to professional development that fits their own schedule.
Our courses provide participants with access to tutorials on foundational educational research and best practices for educators who wish to sharpen their skills and knowledge. These courses also provide participants with a token following successful completion of the training- a Badge with your course name on it!
We’ve created courses through the robust learning platform, Canvas, used by many school systems and universities to provide asynchronous learning. To access the badging opportunities and learning materials, participants must request to be added to the course(s) of their choice, complete all the tutorials, and pass the brief checks for understanding along the way. At the end of the course, the learner will automatically be issued a Badge through the Badgr platform.
To earn a badge for course completion, please follow these steps: