Assisting Students Struggling in Mathematics


This series provides real-world examples from teachers in Kentucky demonstrating the six recommendations featured in the What Works Clearinghouse Educator’s Practice Guide titled Assisting Students Struggling in Mathematics: Intervention in the Elementary Grades.  The six recommendations include:

  1. Systematic Instruction
  2. Mathematical Language
  3. Representations
  4. Number Lines
  5. Words Problems
  6. Timed Activities


Special thanks to the teachers and leaders from Echo Trail Middle School in Louisville, Kentucky for narrating these videos! Our deepest gratitude to the teachers below for demonstrating these six recommendations as part of their daily high-quality instruction!

  • Emily Wilkerson, 3rd Grade Teacher, Louisville, KY
  • Marcie Bryant, 2nd Grade Teacher, Louisville, KY
  • Kelsey McKInney, Special Education Teacher, Georgetown, KY
  • Ms. Gabrielle Iannone, MTSS Academic Lead and Interventionist, Crestwood, KY